Wednesday, February 8, 2017

1) A local impact on the plastic bag would be the amount of animals getting sick or dying from trying to eat ingest these bags and get toxins into their system. I find this interesting because on a daily basis I see plastic bags everywhere in Milwaukee and these animals trying to get the left over garbage around the city. Parts of plastic (since it does not break down easily)get into these animals digestive system and get sick or die.

2) A way in the video for people to manage plastic bags were trying to put bans on the plastic bag, cut down on the consumption of bags or overall using bags that were not plastic. these things were attempting to manage the consumption of plastic bags. The psychologist that was asking people the reason on why they used plastic bags gave people a more reason to look at the overall effect and long term effect of using them.

3) I think we are coming to a point where we are aware and smart enough to create something that is way less harmful to the planet. Some ways that i know how locally we are dealing with plastic bag issues is using "Greener" bags, such as biodegradable bags so we can get rid of that garbage without a release of a bunch of toxins and extra waste. To me it is definitely a global issue, some places might band the plastic bag but once they bags get into the ocean lets say, it can travel anywhere at that point and harm the planet and fish in locations that dont even have plastic bags anymore. Globally it should be a consideration for the environments sake. Globally though, some countries may not think of it as such a big issue that needs to be fixed so therefore, that can create a conflict. I do not think plastic bags are misunderstood, I agree that it provides many people with jobs and business grows instead of declines, but I think they're are certain ways to work around it such as creating a bag that is still cheap and people can keep their jobs, but in a safer environmental way.


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